3Souls: una patch che aggiunge l’italiano ora nel titolo di Red Column su Wii U

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Proprio nel corso degli ultimi minuti, il titolo indipendente 3Souls, rilasciato da Red_Column con il primo episodio “Nelesa”, in esclusiva sul Nintendo eShop europeo del Wii U lo scorso 28 luglio 2016 al prezzo di €3,60, ha ricevuto proprio ora un nuovo update.

Questo update, o meglio patch, (1.1.0) ha aggiunto al titolo la lingua italiana e francese. Potete osservare inoltre tutte le altre novità aggiunte, oltre al filesize dell’aggiornamento ora disponibile sull’eShop di Wii U, in calce al nostro articolo:




– Two new languages: Thanks to the great help from Nintendo-Town.fr and Simone Morelli, we were able to offer french and Italian in the game!
– Rush Respawn: new mode in the Game Over screen. Now you can choose to continue from the last moment before you died (without restarting the full level).
– More Vault options: you can check out the ML-Rules, Memories and the “8 Seconds of Nindies” found them in the game.
– Easter egg less intrusive: “8 Seconds of Nindies” is now hidden and need a extra action to be activated.
– Wheel portal balanced: more intuitive and forgiven.
– Lightball portal balanced: accept light and darker colors.
– ML-Rules position changed: those are not in the way of the player anymore.
– Framerate ventilator fixed: this happened sometimes in the the stages with ventilator shafts and now has been fixed.
– Remove any Try&Error: any platform, path or puzzle has always a clue to be resolved.
– Minor adjustment overall: better experience with different adjustment in platforms, blocks and other elements in general, for a better gameplay experience.




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