Harvest Moon: Skytree Village, Natsume ci mostra il titolo nel dettaglio in video

CeeCee, il community manager di Natsume Inc. ci da modo di osservare nel dettaglio il nuovo Harvest Moon: Skytree Village, presto in arrivo su Nintendo 3DS.

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CeeCee, il community manager di Natsume Inc. ci da modo di osservare nel dettaglio il nuovo Harvest Moon: Skytree Village, presto in arrivo su Nintendo 3DS.
Harvest Moon: Skytree Village è il nuovo titolo simulativo in uscita per la console portatile di Nintendoche è stato giocabile durante scorso E3 2016 di giugno. Grazie a Rising Star Games, il titolo verrà pubblicato in Europa la prossima primavera del 2017, mentre approderà negli USA il prossimo 8 novembre 2016.
Trovate il video pubblicato recentemente da Natsume sul suo canale Youtube, in cima all’articolo.

Revive the Land, Save a Village!
Many people used to live in Skytree Village, and the land was lush and green. However, the power of the Harvest Goddess gradually began to wane, and the land became parched and dry. It’s up to you revive the seven Skytrees to bring life back to this desolate land!
With user-friendly tutorials, you will immediately be able to jump into the thick of things, customizing your farm by raising and lowering the land, creating rivers, ponds, and more. Upgraded tools will assist you shaping the land more efficiently, and afterwards you can kick back and relax in your boat to do a spot of fishing!

  • Play as a boy or a girl, woo bachelors and bachelorettes, and start a family!
  • Completely new cast of characters with a brand new art style!
  • Terraform your land any way you like!
  • Care for a brand new animal: the Poitou donkey!
  • User-friendly tutorials and farming mechanics!
  • Upgraded tools will help in shaping the land more efficiently!

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