Capcom ha recentemente pubblicato i DLC del mese di novembre di Monster Hunter Generations, che comprendono nuove armi, missioni e oggetti dal mondo di Yu-Gi-Oh!.
Dal luglio scorso si è riaperta la caccia nell’ultimo capitolo dedicato alla serie realizzata da Capcom, Monster Hunter Generations, titolo arrivato lo scorso 15 luglio 2016 in esclusiva per Nintendo 3DS. Così come successe a suo tempo con Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, rilasciato a febbraio 2014 su Nintendo 3DS, anche Monster Hunter Generations riceverà dei contenuti DLC mensili, ogni primo venerdì del mese corrente.
Trovate tutti i dettagli in merito ai nuovi contenuti, in calce all’articolo.
Find Yu-Gi-Oh!, Magi and Baki the Grappler armor sets in this month’s magical #MHGen DLC.
— Monster Hunter (@monsterhunter) 4 novembre 2016
Get decked out with some fancy new gear and take on magnificent monsters with the pack of Free DLC to download on your Nintendo 3DS for Monster Hunter Generations.
This month’s pack brings us some highly coveted items, quests and skills! Most notably we have the Hyper Gold Rathian quest, the Yu-Gi-Oh! collaboration set for your Felynes and one of the most powerful Prowler skills in the game: World’s Strongest! Trade your amor for a great increase in attack and defense.
You can find the full list of quests—they’re all High Rank this time!—and rewards below:REGULAR QUESTS
Quest: Yu-Gi-Oh: A Beautiful Wyvern
Objective: Slay a Shagaru Magala
F Dark Meowgic Set
Quest: Magi: Rescue from the Fall
Objective: Hunt a Hyper Gore Magala
Amol Saiqa
Aladdin’s Wand
Quest: Baki: Biggest vs. Strongest
Objective: Hunt a Hyper Gammoth
Baki Combat Jutsu
Demon Visage
Bristling Mane
Ultimate Garb
Ultimate Pleats
Champion’s Set
Notice a trend here? These are all special collaborations with popular Japanese anime and manga. In fact, there are 7 of these fun crossovers in Monster Hunter Generations, and they’re all finally available for you to download and craft. Here’s a short piece that highlights them all:
Quest: The Exploding Flame King
Objective: Slay a Teostra
Exploding Blades
Zodias Set (designed by Hiro Mashima, known for Fairy Tail and Monster Hunter Orage)
Quest: DMC: The Seltas Queen’s Cry
Objective: Hunt a Hyper Seltas Queen
F Dante Set
Quest: Capcom: Brilliant Orchestra
Objective: Hunt a Hyper Najarala
F Melodic Set
Quest: Capcom: White & Black
Objective: Hunt a Hyper Mizutsune and a Hyper Nargacuga
Felyne and Melynx
Quest: A Golden Moon Rises
Objective: Hunt a Hyper Gold Rathian
Quest: Moonlit Tryst
Objective: Hunt a Silver Rathalos and a Gold Rathian
Quest: Retreat Run-in
Objective: Hunt a Hyper Royal Ludroth, a Hyper Plesioth and a Hyper Lagiacrus
Quest: The Untamed Mountains
Objective: Hunt a Duramboros and a Gammoth
Quest: The Hammer and the Pike
Objective: Hunt an Uragaan and an Agnaktor
Quest: The Formless One
Objective: Slay a Chameleos
Quest: Volcano Item Delivery
Objective: Obtain 7,000 Wycademy Points
——————————————————————————————–PROWLER QUESTS
Quest: Catch a Rathalos by the Tail
Objective: Sever Rathalos’s tail
19x Guild Card Titles
6x Guild Card Backgrounds
——————————————————————————————–SPECIAL PALICOES
To access the free DLC, load your copy of Monster Hunter Generations and select the Download menu from the start screen and follow the steps to download all the treats. After that, load your character and talk to the following NPCs for each type of content:
- Take on Regular Quests and Prowler Quests from the Wycademy Gal at the Hunters Hub;
- Take on Challenge Quests from the Arena Instructor at the Hunters Hub;
- Purchase Extras by using Wycademy Points from the Trader at the Palico Ranch (select “Limited Goods” option);
- Hire Special Palicoes from the Meowstress, Grandmeow or Grandmyama at all four villages
- Claim Item Packs from your Housekeeper (select the “Claim Items” option)
If you’ve missed any of the previous DLC packs, including Quests, Felynes, Item Packs, etc., don’t worry; you can still download them, and I highly recommend it. December 2nd is the next Free DLC drop, so keep an eye out for that. In the meantime, happy hunting!