Pirate Pop Plus: il titolo indie in arrivo il 20 ottobre su Wii U e 3DS eShop

Pirate Pop Plus Dimensioni del gioco
13AM Games e Dadako Studios hanno annunciato che Pirate Pop Plus verrà rilasciato sul Nintendo eShop di Wii U e 3DS il prossimo 20 ottobre 2016.

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Qualche mese fa è stato annunciato un titolo indipendente si prepara ad approdare sulla piattaforma digitale delle console di Nintendo.
Infatti proprio qualche minuto fa, 13AM GamesDadako Studios hanno annunciato che il loro titolo indie 8-bit, Pirate Pop Plus, verrà rilasciato sul Nintendo eShop di Wii U e New 3DS il prossimo 20 ottobre 2016 al prezzo di €4.99/$4.99.
Trovate il comunicato ufficiale rilasciato da 13AM Games in calce, mentre il nuovo trailer in cima all’articolo.

Pirate Pop Plus To Storm Onto New Nintendo 3DS™
and Wii U™ October 20th
Independent Developer Dadako and Indie Publisher 13AM Shipping Solutions
to Launch Retro Arcade Action Game
Toronto – October 5, 2016 – Ready the sails for classic, retro arcade action with the upcoming release of Pirate Pop Plus by independent developer Dadako and 13AM Shipping Solutions, the new publishing arm of Runbow developers 13AM Games. Launching October 20th on the New Nintendo 3DS and Wii U and on November 4th on Steam, Pirate Pop Plus follows brave pirate Pete Jr. as hepops, shoots, and stomps bubbles to defeat the evil Bubble Pirate. Pirate Pop Plus also features a cross-buy discount for Nintendo fans: players that pick up the game on either the New Nintendo 3DS or Wii U will get the game for free on the other platform.
In Pirate Pop Plus, players have to pop bubbles to save the townsfolk while Bubble Pirate’s gravity gun forces them onto walls or the ceiling. Buccaneers will earn coins that they can spend on customizations for their “Pocket Game” handheld console, including new faceplates, stickers, backlights, and even music and characters for the game itself. Players can also spend coins on Hyper Mode, a faster, crazier and more difficult version of the core arcade game that rewards a players a multitude of coins.
“We love everything about retro games, from the chiptune music to the pixelart,” said Hawken King, Founder of Dadako. “Pirate Pop Plusreminds players what it was like to have an addictive game on a handheld they could customize and call their own. Thanks to the help of 13AM Shipping Solutions, we’re able to bring Pirate Pop Plus onto the Nintendo systems and Steam.”
In addition to chaotic gameplay, Pirate Pop Plus features artwork by Justin Chan, key artist for a bevy of video games such as Nuclear Throne, as well as music from Gyms, composer of Knuckle Sandwich, Dan Rodrigues, composer for Runbow, and 8-bit composers Matthew Ivic and Harry Waters, son of Roger Waters from legendary rock group Pink Floyd. The game also features a guest character cameo from Runbow’s Satura.

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