Chase: Cold Case Investigations ~Distant Memories~ in arrivo il 13 ottobre su 3DS eShop

Aksys Games Chase: Cold Case Investigations ~Distant Memories~ Nintendo 3DS
Chase: Cold Case Investigations ~Distant Memories~, avventura grafica di Arc System Works, arriverà presto sull'eShop del Nintendo 3DS.

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Ottime notizie per gli amanti delle vecchie avventure grafiche per Nintendo DS: Chase: Cold Case Investigations ~Distant Memories~, titolo realizzato da Arc System Works insieme a parte dello staff della defunta CING, creatori di titoli e serie come Hotel Dusk, Last Window e Another Code, arriverà infatti molto presto su eShop del Nintendo 3DS.

Il titolo riprende pienamente lo stile della serie di Another Code, Hotel Dusk, e Last Window per Nintendo DS/Wii, e vedrà protagonisti due detective, Shounosuke Nanase e Koto Amekura, impegnati in un caso riguardante una morte per esplosione.

Nel corso delle ultime ore Aksys Games ha annunciato che Chase: Cold Case Investigations ~Distant Memories~ approderà sul Nintendo eShop europeo ed americano il prossimo 13 ottobre. Di seguito il comunicato:


Aksys Games and Arc System Works are proud to announce that Chase: Cold Case Investigations ~Distant Memories~ will be available in North America and Europe 10/13/16 for the Nintendo eShop on the Nintendo 3DS hand-held system! Chase: Cold Case Investigations ~Distant Memories~ is an adventure mystery game from the mind of Taisuke Kanasaki, director of the famed Hotel Dusk: Room 215! Join the exploits of two gritty detectives whose sense of justice and raw instinct drive them to seek the truth. Put your sleuthing skills to the challenge by re-investigating old crime scenes and solving cold cases by searching for clues and interrogating perps!

Key Features

Investigate- Find leads by diving head first into old investigation notes, crime scene photos and eye witness reports as you put together all the pieces.

Interrogate- Once you have a solid lead, interrogate persons of interest to see what they do (or don’t) know. Grill perps by asking tough questions, but be careful! Ask the wrong questions and your Interrogation Gauge will deplete. Ask too many wrong questions and it’s Game Over!

Deep story- 5 years ago, an investigation into a mysterious explosion dead-ended without any resolution. Deemed an accident, the circumstances surrounding the case were never fully explained. Now, a new clue has reignited the case and shed new light on a startling revelation. Get pulled into a complex narrative of mystery and intrigue as the Cold Case Unit searches for the truth!

Chase: Cold Case Investigations ~Distant Memories~ has been rated T by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB). For more information, visit

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